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Wick at Tarroul

Latest at 5:00 pm on 14 February 2025

0.670m The depth of water above a fixed measuring point at the station. The fixed point is known as the Gauge Datum.
Steady  Rising, Falling or Steady is determined by subtracting the moving average of the last hour from the last value.
Normal Description comparing the current height to those previously recorded at the station. See our frequently asked questions page for more information.

Normal range 0.477m to 2.415m

Level in metres over the last 5 days

How levels here could affect nearby areas

The maximum level recorded at the station (recorded on 26 October 2006 )
This level is at the top of the normal range.
Latest Level
Lowest level ever recorded at the station.

Station details

Station name
Station Location
View Tarroul on map
River name
Main river catchment
Wick Group
Gauge datum (mAOD) The river level is measured in meters relative to the gauge datum. To get the river level relative to Ordnance Datum (AOD) the river level given should be added to the gauge datum detailed at the bottom of the page.
Catchment area (km2) The surface area of the land that drains to the gauging station.
161.90 km2
Station opened The date of the start of the digital record at this station.
November 1995
Highest level on record The maximum water height recorded at the station and the date of that maximum.
3.079m recorded on 26 October 2006
Lowest level on record (m) The height of water recorded at the station. Note that low water levels can vary from year to year and seasonally, due to conditions on the riverbed changing e.g gravel movements or weed growth. Water resource management activities are undertaken using flow which is not influenced by riverbed conditions.
Level Data (.csv, .json, .xml)
National River Flow Archive The UK National River Flow Archive (NRFA) website has flow data summaries for many SEPA gauging stations.
View Data on NRFA


Water level data is gathered by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) to help it fulfil its statutory duties. We publish it online because we recognise that this information may also be useful for others, but we cannot guarantee its currency or availability. There may be occasions when data will not be have been collected from a gauging station, therefore results will not appear until the next data collection.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, neither SEPA, nor its employees or agents can be held responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions, whether caused by negligence or otherwise. All data should be regarded as provisional and may be subject to later revision.